Wednesday 7 June 2017

CALL & Search Engines

Assalamualaikum people, since we have covered two topics for this week, I have to say that I have learned a little bit more about internet's application and it's usage. The topics that we have covered for this week are Evolution Of CALL and Search Engines. I just realised how much we have evolved in terms of computer and internet usage. Compared to the times when I was in primary years, where we used diskette instead of pendrive, and when we use Jaring to connect to the internet instead of nowadays' high speed wifi, where no  cable are needed to connect our phone or laptop to the wifi.

 Next, I just found out that we could search almost anything about someone's record on the internet using a few advanced search engines that are available on the internet, such as Pipl.Com. However, some of the files can only be viewed by the authorised person and not all of the records are available for the publics to access, unless you are good at hacking the
files. Among some of the files that could be found on the search engines included financial records, medical records, academic information, so on and so fourth.

 As from my opinion. we have to be very careful in sharing or posting about our personal information on the internet. Even though we already deleted the data, but the record is still there. Which means, it is not really being erased from the internet. Overall, I could say that this week's class is very interesting as I was introduced to another part of the internet, which is the scary part of how people could easily search for our personal data. I could say that lives these day are not very private anymore. Privacy is something really expensive as almost every files about us can be access and can be found on the internet. Thank you for reading my post, till next time!

Love, Fxhdx 👄


  1. Very interesting information :-) selamat berpuasa

    1. Hi Love, thank you for reading my post. Have a blessed Ramadhan!
