Thursday 15 June 2017

Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)

Hi and Assalamualaikum people! As for this week, we only had a single period of class. Therefore, we only managed to learn a chapter which is Computer Mediated Communication or CMC for short. CMC is a form of communication  in which, we use different computers but still connected via internet. CMC can be divided into two, which are Synchronous CMC and Asynchronous CMC. Synchronous CMC is a medium used to have immediate response, such as Whatsapp and Skype (unless they chose to ignore you 😜). While Asynchronous CMC is a communication medium in which we don't get immediate reply, such as email. CMC plays an important role in long distance learning, because through Synchronous CMC, students and lecturer can easily get connected via video conference such as Skype, for their online lecture.

CMC can be very useful if we managed to set the rules and limitations in using technology as a form of communication. Limitations in our lives plays an important roles in order for us  to produce generations of normal and humanly human being. What I am trying to say here is that, everyone nowadays seems to be very clingy and dependable on their smart phones or computer, until they forget to socialize with people around them. 

Some of the kids these days  throw their tantrum if their parents didn't give them their iPads. They no longer play with each other, at the park just like how we used to do when we were a kid. This shows how unhealthy our futute generation has become and it is possible if oneday, people in the future will be less human, as the results  of lack interaction and affection among human, due to excessive of hours spending their time with the robot (including computers and gadgets). Before I end my post for this week, I would like to highlight that, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, use technology wisely. Don't let it takeover your live. You only live once, give it the best shot!
Love, Fxhdx 💋

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