Monday 31 July 2017


I am so excited with this week's class as this is my first time of using PowToons. Our lecturer assigned us a group of 4 to do an educational video. To be honest, it is quite challenging for 4 of us to create the video as this is the first time for four of us using PowToons. However, after a few hours of using PowToons, we could already use PowToons smoothly. 

After group discussion, we agreed to do an educational video about obesity. This video was created to create awareness about obesity among kids. So here's our video! 😊 

Thank you for watching, I hope you enjoyed it!

Fxhdx 💖


Hi everyone, I feel so outdated because I just knew the existence of Podcast, even though I'm one of the Apple user *facepalm*. Podcast is an audio or video file and is being broadcast via the internet and can be downloaded to the computer or smart phone. The term "Podcast" derived from the term "iPod" and "broadcast".

Podcast is used to promote self study, or maybe to gain new knowledge through listening. Some people want to gain knowledge but they are too lazy to read. This is where Podcast takes place as via Podcast, students can listen to variety of  topics, from history, book review to the story telling.

Interested to create your own Podcast? Say no more! All you need are your smartphone (to record your voice, or other recording tools such as microphone), an editing tools for example "Audacity, and then you're good to go! Your final step would be, uploading your Podcast to your favourite medium, which are Youtube, Blog, iTunes and many more. 

Now, it's time for me to try on creating my own Podcast. Happy Podcasting, beautiful people. Feel free to listen to my first Podcast. I reviewed a book entitled Fangirl, written by Rainbow Rowell. So here's the link!

Fangirl Rainbow Rowell Book Review By Fahda

Fxhdx 💖

How To Design Courseware (Instructional Courseware Design)

Hi people! Since I was on MC for 2 weeks, therefore I have to read the notes and update my blog from home. After I have read the notes for this week's topic which is Instructional Courseware Design, there are a few things that I can pick up. A courseware is one of the example of CALL. Courseware are design as a support to lesson, not to replace the lesson. Before designing a courseware, there are a few steps that need to be taken to consideration in order to make sure the courseware are able to meet the learners' needs. Based on Addie's Model Framework, there are 5 steps for the development of instructional coursework, which are analysis, design, develop, implement and evaluate. Well, I think that's all from me as of now. See you in my next post! 

fxhdx 💖