Monday 31 July 2017

How To Design Courseware (Instructional Courseware Design)

Hi people! Since I was on MC for 2 weeks, therefore I have to read the notes and update my blog from home. After I have read the notes for this week's topic which is Instructional Courseware Design, there are a few things that I can pick up. A courseware is one of the example of CALL. Courseware are design as a support to lesson, not to replace the lesson. Before designing a courseware, there are a few steps that need to be taken to consideration in order to make sure the courseware are able to meet the learners' needs. Based on Addie's Model Framework, there are 5 steps for the development of instructional coursework, which are analysis, design, develop, implement and evaluate. Well, I think that's all from me as of now. See you in my next post! 

fxhdx 💖

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