Tuesday 1 August 2017

Canva & Smartbuilder

Hi and Assalamualaikum people! So for this week, I learned about Canva and Smartbuilder! Have you heard about these two tools? Because I haven't before, and this is my first time of being introduced to such tools. So, what is Canva actually? Okay so basically, Canva is where you create beautiful design or poster for your social media, blog header, presentation, brochure, and many more! This is where you express your creative sides in creating posters and such. I will definitely going to use Canva in the future because I honestly think Canva looks interesting and easy to use (if I have to create brochure, or any templates for my assignments, or perhaps during my practical). So, I don't have to use the existing poster or picture in the Google since I can already create it on my own (Yay me!).

Moving on to the second tools, which is Smartbuilder. Okay people, this is seriously getting more interesting! Do you know when do we use Smartbuilder? We use it to build a courseware! Do you hear me? A courseware! This is definitely an advantage for us since we can create our own courseware and who knows we can make some serious money in the future by creating our own courseware 😜 Okay so let's get back to the topic. To be honest, it is a bit complicated for me to start using Smartbuilder at first. But, as soon as our lecturer demonstrate to us on how to use it, I find it a bit easy and enjoying. We are divided into a group of 4 to build a courseware, can't wait to start building a courseware! So, stay tune people.

Fxhdx 💖

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Canva revolutionised my work. I work as a PR & marketing manager in hospitality and I don’t have a big marketing budget, so Canva is perfect for me. 1$ for picture is not so much but I can create some nice offers for our clients. Here you have an example of my work: http://www.dwor.pl/pl/klienci_biznesowi/spotkania_wigilijne/ and it was only for 2 $ It’s a nice alternative for Shutterstock etc. Fonts are beautiful, it is very creative thinking to learn how to mix them. I use it also on my personal blog
