Tuesday 29 August 2017


Since this Semester has come to an end, I would like to say thank you to our Madam, for teaching us a lot of useful software that might be useful for us in the future. Who knows, one of us might be a courseware developer oneday ☺

 This marks the end of my post in here, I might no longer write in here as I have a bigger responsibilities awaiting for me (staying up with my 2 months old child and study for my final exam). Eventhough I will  no longer write in here, I think I will always revisit this blog in the future, when I think of my degree years ; these years where I have to struggle a lot. Balancing my study and raising my child, since my husband is working far away 😩 Well, you don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. 

Thank you so much to my lecturers who understands and tolerate a lotttt with me especially in this semester since they gave me 2 weeks study leave after I gave birth, I appreciate it  a lot. May Allah repay all of their kindness. 

Dear Madam Azida, I hope you will have a smooth delivery, and fast recovery. Take care and thank you so much for all the knowledge that you have shared. I am sorry if I have done anything wrong. Again, thank you for everything. 


Fxhdx ❤

Smartbuilder : We Are Done!

Alhamdulillah, we are finally done with building our own courseware, all praise to Allah, and not to forget special thanks to my teammates, Ros, Hidayah and Fatini for making this happen! I honestly think that I couldn't complete this without helps from my teammates ❤ And also, thank you to our Madam Azida for teaching us without failed, step by step on how to use Smartbuilder.

Feel free to try our courseware at :- Malaysian Legends Smartbuilder

Thank you for reading!

Fxhdx ❤

Smartbuilder : More Problems Are Coming Our Way

Hi and Assalamualaikum people! Okay since our time are very limited, we agreed that our courseware can not be completed on time if we depends 100% on the language lab computer. Our lecturer always give us time during her class for us to update our courseware, but, since Smartbuilder is a bit time consuming, we decided that we should download the software to our laptop. 

I promised to my teammates to bring my laptop the next day. We tried to download the software to my laptop using KUPTM's wifi, but unfortunately failed 😡 Maybe my laptop couldn't support the format of the software. Therefore, we tried to download the software using Hidayah's laptop. Hidayah's laptop able to download the software in a short time of period. However, when we tried to use the software, her laptop became stuck. We were quite stress at that time. 

A few days later, Ros said that we could use her friend's laptop. Luckily, her friend's laptop can function smoothly while we are using Smartbuilder, what a big relieve! Alhamdulillah. 

I guess that's it for me as for now, thank you for reading!

Fxhdx ❤

Smartbuilder : Building Our Own Courseware!

Hi everyone! Since my last post was about us discussing about our courseware title and storyboard, therefore this week we have came up with our finalized story board. Well, if you judge our courseware  based on the report, it might seems like it is not interesting since in the report, there are no image, or even colours. We just made a plain report as what madam told us to do. Therefore, here's some of the screenshot of our storyboard in the report :-

That's it from me as of now, thank you for reading!

Fxhdx ❤

Smartbuilder : Inserting Audio and Hotspot

Hi people! Welcome back to my blog. Okay to be honest, I kind of having difficulties with catching up on how to use Smartbuilder. I mean, I totally get it when Madam showed example in front as I was sitting at the front row, but as soon as I need to get it done by myself then bammmm! Here's come the disaster part. I found out that it took patience for us to get a command correct. We need to be very careful in doing the coding. However, I am blessed that people besides me could point out my mistakes in coding. So back to the lesson, this week we learned on how to insert audio for the courseware and creating hotpsot. To be honest, inserting audio are a lot more easier than creating the hotspot because of the simple coding using in inserting the audio. 

After madam has finished teaching us this week's smartbuilder topic, my teammates and I had agree on doing a courseware entitled "Malaysian Legends". I had already taught my standard 5 students (during my practicum years) that topic, and for me and the students, the topic is quite interesting as most of the states in Malaysia are known with their own Legend Stories. That is why I managed to convinced my teammates on why we should chose that topic. After that, we started discussing our storyboard for the courseware. 

Well, I guess that's it for my entry. Thank you for reading!

Fxhdx ❤

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Canva & Smartbuilder

Hi and Assalamualaikum people! So for this week, I learned about Canva and Smartbuilder! Have you heard about these two tools? Because I haven't before, and this is my first time of being introduced to such tools. So, what is Canva actually? Okay so basically, Canva is where you create beautiful design or poster for your social media, blog header, presentation, brochure, and many more! This is where you express your creative sides in creating posters and such. I will definitely going to use Canva in the future because I honestly think Canva looks interesting and easy to use (if I have to create brochure, or any templates for my assignments, or perhaps during my practical). So, I don't have to use the existing poster or picture in the Google since I can already create it on my own (Yay me!).

Moving on to the second tools, which is Smartbuilder. Okay people, this is seriously getting more interesting! Do you know when do we use Smartbuilder? We use it to build a courseware! Do you hear me? A courseware! This is definitely an advantage for us since we can create our own courseware and who knows we can make some serious money in the future by creating our own courseware 😜 Okay so let's get back to the topic. To be honest, it is a bit complicated for me to start using Smartbuilder at first. But, as soon as our lecturer demonstrate to us on how to use it, I find it a bit easy and enjoying. We are divided into a group of 4 to build a courseware, can't wait to start building a courseware! So, stay tune people.

Fxhdx 💖